

Sandeep pilania

Visual desginer, Software Engineer & Community Advocate

Hello World! šŸ‘‹šŸ¾ My name is Sandeep pilania. Iā€™m a Visual desginer, a Software Engineer and a community advocate.

During my years of professional development, I've been able to gain professional and practical knowledge of the following programming languages and tools.

Languages: I am proficient in HTML5, CSS3, Python, JavaScript (ES6), and SQL.

Frameworks: My experience extends to Flask, FastAPI, React, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Bootstrap5, TailwindCSS, and Material UI.

Version Control and CI/CD: Masterful use of Git, GitHub & GitLab, coupled with experience in implementing continuous integration and deployment using CircleCI and GitHub actions.

Cloud Platforms: Proficient in deploying, managing, and operating applications using AWS, Azure, and Digital Ocean.

Containers and Message Brokers: Practical knowledge of containerization with Docker and managing asynchronous messaging with RabbitMQ.

Databases: When it comes to databases, I have robust experience with SQL databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as NoSQL databases like MongoDB.

Operating Systems: I am comfortable working in a Linux environment and understand the nuances of this powerful operating system.

Testing: To ensure quality, I leverage automation testing tools like Cypress, Pact, Pytest, Jest, React Testing Library, Chai, and Mocha.

Headless CMS: Familiar with Sanity and HygraphCMS for flexible and scalable content management.

Technical Writing: Last but not least, I'm a seasoned technical writer. I believe that the ability to communicate complex ideas in an understandable way is a vital skill for any developer.

The world of tech is boundless and ever-evolving. I am committed to continuously learning, sharing, and growing alongside it. Looking forward to the journey ahead!